Voice, Upper Airway & Swallowing Disorders

Speak with a strong voice and clear speech that can be heard and understood
Speak without strain,
Shape your voice with active feedback

Who can benefit from Voice Therapy?
All stages of Parkinson's
Atypical Parkinson's Syndromes:
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Multi System Atrophy
Cortical Basal Degeneration
Louie Body Dementia
Other neurological disorders
Multiple Sclerosis​
Down Syndrome

Restore your communication and swallowing
89% will notice a problem with voice and speech
Early treatment maintains a strong voice
Your strong voice allows you to safely continue to work
What is SPEAK OUT! & LOUD Crowd?
SPEAK OUT! is a therapy regimen tailored to people with Parkinson’s disease to improve their voicing, and in turn, their swallowing. In this program, speech is transformed from an automatic function to an intentional task. SPEAK OUT! is usually completed and 12 sessions spanning four weeks, and then the client transitions to the LOUD Crowd. In this four-week span, clients report improvement in their speaking, and their ability to be heard, and their overall quality of life.
LOUD Crowd is the group therapy portion of the program and meets once weekly. The sessions provide maintenance for skills obtained during SPEAK OUT! and are a source of camaraderie for the members. We offer LOUD Crowd for free to SPEAK OUT! graduates.
The SPEAK OUT! & LOUD Crowd therapy regimens were developed at Parkinson Voice Project in Richardson, TX. You can visit their website HERE.
When and where can I receive services?
SPEAK OUT! is generally offered on weekdays between 10 am and 2 pm by appointment. LOUD Crowd meets Wednesday mornings at 10 am. All sessions are by appointment and typically occur virtually through telehealth. In person sessions are available for vaccinated individuals by request.
I have Parkinson's disease. When should I begin seeing a speech language pathologist?
According to research, up to 89% of people with Parkinson’s disease develop difficulty communicating and up to 95% develop difficulty swallowing. To postpone and prevent this decline, it is optimal to begin speech therapy as soon as possible. Participation in SPEAK OUT! & LOUD Crowd can change the effects that Parkinson’s disease has on your voice. Muscles become weak because they are not used to their full capacity, not because Parkinson’s is making them weak. SPEAK OUT! & LOUD Crowd requires you to use the muscles for speaking and swallowing to their full potential to prevent decline.
What costs are associated with these services?
We may be able to bill your insurance for SPEAK OUT! treatment services provided. Please check with your insurance to determine the co-pay or cost associated with these services. We also accept private pay by credit card and accept HSA/FSA cards.