It's normal to feel a bit anxious about your first session, especially if you're not sure what to expect. It's also important to know how to get set up. So if you're looking for a few tips to ensure the experience goes smoothly, keep reading! Here are six handy tips to get you ready to love your voice. :)

This is 'You' time. Set up a quiet space free of distractions with good lighting on your face. Turning off your phone volume and other notifications ensures you won't be interrupted. Office cubicles, busy living rooms with family passing by, and coffee shops don't offer the same sound and visual privacy as a room at home with the door closed. We will solve to make your sessions accessible as needed- sometimes in the car on your cell phone is the best option.
Test your devices. You'll need a computer or tablet with a webcam as well as a USB head worn or external microphone for ideal vocal quality and screen sharing. Internal microphones and smartphones are acceptable but can be limiting. Check that your system is set up, and that you have your session link. During the session, let us know if you're experiencing any technical difficulties, such as you're unable to hear or see us. It also helps to have your phone handy in case we need to call.
Reliable internet. Find a place to set up that has reliable internet to ensure you'll have stable connectivity during the session.
Just breathe. It's important to try and relax before the sessions. Take deep breaths, or try using a mindfulness application like Headspace or Calm. These apps can help you slow down. Remember that it takes time before you start to feel comfortable around anyone new, including your voice coach. But it won't always feel awkward- soon you'll realize we're just your very informed, opinionated friend happy to help you with your voice :)
Time to be real. No one has a perfect home, and life keeps us all busy. Come as you are- your voice is our focus.
Write things down. Our minds have a tendency to wander, especially when learning something new and as fascinating as the voice! Between sessions, you can refer back to your notes for home practice, and write things down you want to ask about.
Remember to be patient with yourself and your voice practice. It may take work, but with our guidance clients consistently exceed what they thought was possible for their voice.

Ready to love YOUR voice?
Schedule your free consultation with the request an appointment button below now!
-Tallulah Breslin, MS, CCC/SLP (she/they)
Gender & Identity Affirming Voice Training @Harmonic Speech Therapy